benefit from the expertise of family lawyers
With more than 20 years of Florida family law expertise, Longwood family lawyer Samuel Filler of the Filler & Hedum Law Firm in Central Florida brings a unique perspective to children and divorce. Here, he shares his thoughts:
“Be aware, despite the difficulties, divorce in most cases is a necessity to ensure our happiness and the happiness of our children now and in the future. I cringe each time I hear a client say, ‘I stayed for the kids,’ or, ‘We just couldn’t divorce because of the children.’ I am not a psychologist or hold any degree, which qualifies me to make this statement; however, what I do have is 20 years of successfully representing hundreds of clients during their divorce, and I have been divorced. KIDS GET IT, KIDS ARE SMART. If mommy and daddy don’t like each other, they know it. You cannot fake it; the children will experience the same level of tension, frustration, anger and despair as you are during this turbulent time of ‘staying for the children.’ We as parents are providing the essence of how our children will formulate their beliefs about relationships. How they will interact with their spouses or significant others, and eventually how they will interact with their own children – your grandchildren – is a direct result of the environment you create for them while they are children. Living through a loveless marriage filled with anger, regret, resentment and finally indifference is not the example that either of you, husband or wife, want for your children when formulating what a relationship shall be. It is your responsibility to ensure that your children’s environment is one filled with security, love and support. How can you do this if your environment does not provide this to them? The simple answer is that you cannot. Your children will adapt and will thrive once they are removed from the source of turmoil, your marriage.” -Samuel Filler Filler & Hedum---There When You Need 'Em. – 407-772-0700. |
child visitationchild supportchild custodypaternity |